Thursday, January 12, 2012

Improving my blogging experience...

Whew! Now to your regularly scheduled programing!

I have decided to improve my blogging 'experience'. 

I would like to post more often... but I just don't get to a computer that often.  OK Technically that is not true.  The reality is that I can get to a computer, but I am a full-time student and a part-time employee.  That means that my computer time is generally taken up with HOMEWORK! 

Not to worry.  I may be updating a day or two or three late.  Maybe even updating once a week or so. 

Regardless of when it happens... I am going to try and put a little JAZZ into my blogging. I want to have a daily theme. 

Manic Monday?  Something that is just OVER THE TOP in my life! *this week*

Ten on Tuesday! Ten short comments (with or without pictures... I really stole this idea from another blog: Kopp Family)

Warm Wednesday.  Spiritual happenings in my life.

This is new Thursday.  I didn't know this before, or I just made something new, or... Whatever!

Fabulous Friday... not a great name... but I come across stuff that "I" think is fabulous! So...

What to do with the Grandkids SATURDAY!  Wheeee!  The grandkids come down every other weekend, or sometimes every weekend, and we do stuff.  I need to get a catchy name for this one!

Sunday is a day of rest... unless you teach PRIMARY! LOL  So I may post my lesson ideas and share how it went. 

This is what I got when I tried to use Google to find names for the days I'm blogging:

Teaching Thursday
Thrifty Thursday
Thoughtful Thursday
Thirsty Thursday... Which I am going to use! That makes the first name change!

Dr. Saturday
Sweet Saturday.  It is sweet when the kids are here!
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th Saturday... It could happen.

Eggs On Sunday Doesn't this just sound fun?
Social Sunday - Deaf church is certainly that!
Pulp Sunday Dedicated to COMIC BOOKS... how cool is that? (I'm not using this!)
Solar Sunday (nice play on words... I could use that!)

Friendly Friday?
Prepped and Ready!  Doesn't have the word Friday, but I like it!
Follow on Friday.  This sounds more like it! I make take this one.

Regroup Wednesday?  Not thrilled with this.
Welcome Wednesday:   Taken.  A coupony kind of place.

MoJoMonday! I love the name... thought it up myself... then found a BLOG! Card making site I think.

Well, so far, that's it for today.  Tomorrow is Friday... Not at all sure what I am NAMING the day to be...

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