Saturday, March 26, 2011

ASL Session in the Portland Oregon Temple

Attended the ASL session of the Temple today. So spiritual!

I suppose that first I should explain about our temple. It is a little unique. Here is the front of the temple:

However, most Portlanders don't think of this as the front! Here is 'our' front:

Beautiful! Right?

Anyway, in January they started having monthly temple sessions in ASL. Today was my 2nd time attending and it was fantastic. I don't know if I can adequately explain how cool it was to get the message in a language other than my native language (English). I really had to concentrate on what was being said. And, truthfully, I didn't get it all. Which I was fine with. I wasn't there trying for perfection. I wanted to learn... which with me is always a haphazard, imperfect experience.

I did feel an extra closeness with the branch members that were there. That was weird. I go to church with them every Sunday. It was cool though, to chat after the session and feel like we were of one mind.

So, next month I'll go again. I'm pretty excited about that.

Also: In the chapel session I was reading in Alma about prayer. That it is not only important to have formal personal prayer (I call this physically praying) but to also have your every day activities and thoughts to be focused in prayer (I call this spiritually praying). Alma explains that both are important. Woot. Or: Word!

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