Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The T-Shirt Project

Coming out of the library, you can see another piece of installation art.  This one is the T-Shirt project.  It is meant to allow victims of sexual assault to not only express what has happened to them, but to also educate others on sexual abuse.  I wish I could post all the pictures.

We had an event at the college last week.  An art event called "Washed Ashore".  All of the pieces were gathered within a six month period along the Oregon Coast.  The plastics that were gathered were cleaned and sorted by color.  Then the artist assembled them into fascinating displays.  I didn't get a picture of the artist (you can see her being interviewed in the picture with the 'rib cage' instalation).  I liked this display much more than I thought I would.

Monday, April 4, 2011


THIS is what I wake up to each morning!!!


OK, you've seen the feral cat (aptly named: Feral) and now it is time to introduce the elderly matron of the family:


She is called Smudge because, as a new kitten, the white splotch on her lip looked like she had gotten some thick cream on herself and had not yet washed it away.  Here is a series of pictures... she is camera shy.

The problem, in part, is that she does not want her picture taken, so getting a photo that includes her white cream spot may be problematic... and set for the future.

Give me a break... I don't want my picture taken!

I am not going to cooperate!  Go away!

*Heavy Sigh*

And that folks, is my elderly cat (17 years ole) with her bad attitude!

Friday, April 1, 2011


I stole this picture from the National Geographic Photo of the day site.  I was searching for a nice tree to etch onto the sliding glass door in my bedroom.  The trees are perfect and the kung-fu master is simply inspiring.  I love the depth that is portrayed here and also the mountains in the background.